Why I Write What I Write by Patricia Gligor

Some of the best advice on writing I’ve ever gotten was to “write in the genre you love to read.” Since mystery/suspense novels have always intrigued me, I knew early on that that’s what I wanted to write. Like most writers, I hope to entertain my readers and offer them escape from their everyday world. But I have another reason for writing what I write; I have a message to deliver. There’s something I feel compelled to share and I choose to do that through my books because I know that fiction can often make a point in a way that non-fiction can’t. If the writer incorporates it into their story rather than belaboring the point.
Another excellent piece of advice I got was to “write what you know.” And that’s exactly what I’m doing in my Malone mystery series. You see, David, Ann Kern’s husband, is an alcoholic and his ongoing struggle with alcoholism is a sub-plot in my books. I’ve known some wonderful people who happen to be alcoholics and I believe it’s important for everyone to learn more about alcoholism. That it isn’t a condition limited to skid row bums. That lots of people you’d never suspect are functioning alcoholics. That alcoholism is a disease with many emotional symptoms in addition to an overwhelming urge to drink. And, that there is help available for alcoholics and the people who love them. 
Here's an excerpt, showing David's emotional turmoil, from the third book in my Malone mystery series, Desperate Deeds.
 David was lucky to have his family and he didn’t want to lose them. He knew he should focus on all that he had but, right now, all he could think about was all that he’d lost. He’d lost his mother and he’d lost his job.
He closed his eyes to clear his head and saw the image of his mother lying dead on her kitchen floor with a whiskey bottle on the floor beside her. He wanted to put all of that behind him but there seemed to be no way to escape the painful memory. Was that why he’d come here tonight? To escape? To get a break from all of his problems, if only for a little while? And, really, was that such a bad thing? Was it wrong to want a break? Didn’t everybody deserve that?
He quickly opened his eyes and returned to staring at the gold liquid in the glass on the bar in front of him. It was so tempting. Just one sip. He licked his lips. He could almost taste the smooth whiskey and feel its calming effects as it slid down his throat. What could that possibly hurt? He picked up the glass and held it out in front of him. “Here’s to you, Mother.”


As Ann Kern starts her new business as an interior decorator, the temperatures have risen, tulips and daffodils are in bloom and there’s a feeling of endless possibilities in the air. She has no idea that her world is about to be turned upside down.

When Janis Riley, a woman for whom money is no object, contacts Ann to redecorate her house, Ann is elated. But her initial visit with her first client leaves her with mixed emotions. Why did Janis react so strangely to seeing a photo of Ann’s six-year-old son, Davey?

But Ann has bigger problems. Her husband, David, a recovering alcoholic, has lost both his mother and his job and Ann worries that he’ll start drinking again. To add to her concerns, their next-door-neighbor, Dorothy Baker, is severely depressed but Ann’s efforts to help her are rebuffed.

Ann is terrified when she wakes up the day before Easter to find Davey gone. Another child, Kelly Kramer, has been missing since December. Does some pervert have both children and what, if anything, can Ann do to get her son back?



Patricia Gligor is a Cincinnati native. She enjoys reading mystery/suspense novels, touring and photographing old houses and traveling. Mixed Messages and Unfinished Business, the first two novels in her Malone Mystery series, were published by Post Mortem Press. Desperate Deeds is the third novel in the series.


Thanks for inviting me to be your guest today.
I'm so glad you've come to visit, Patricia. I'm eagerly waiting for your book to arrive.
Your new book sounds terrific. In it you deal with the problems of a recovering alcoholic and the kidnapping of a small child. I can't wait to read it.
Thank you, Marilyn L! I hope you enjoy reading "Desperate Deeds" as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Marja said…
Great post! I'm in the middle of your book and I can't wait to see what happens next. You've made some good points about what David and his family are going through. I know a few alcoholics myself, and I appreciate what you're doing.
Marja McGraw
Thank you! As you know, the subject of alcoholism is very important to me. There are so many misconceptions about the disease. Many people don't even believe that it IS a disease. The good news is that there's help out there for those troubled families.
Evelyn Cullet said…
I was hoping to read your entire novel by the time your post appears on my blog Thursday, but my husband just had knee replacement surgery and I haven't been able to get to it. I've really had my hands full. But I'm looking forward to reading it.
Your poor husband! And poor you! I know what it's like to be the caregiver for someone who is injured and/or elderly. I hope he recovers from his surgery quickly. And, when you read "Desperate Deeds," I sure hope you enjoy it.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Looks like a great read, Pat! I'm adding this to my TBR stack today, and will share the news about your series.
That's very nice of you. Thanks!
Hi, Pat and Marilyn,

I think all good books have a meaningful underlying message.
Pat, your mysteries definitely fit this category. Best wishes for the success of your new novel!

Jacqueline, the review you wrote for my first novel, "Mixed Messages," is on the back cover of the book. A wonderful review! Thank you so much!

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