Give Me Some Suggestions for Promo of Next Tempe Book

Since my next Tempe Crabtree mystery is off to the publisher for editing, it's time I got serious about the promotion.

I've always done some sort of launch party--but my last one wasn't as great as I'd hoped for. Of course I had a few loyal folks who turned up, served some delicious snacks, but I'd like to do something different for my next one. 

Because this one revisits the Hairy Man--what do you think about having homemade Hairy Man cookies? Maybe the Gingerbread variety? If you came to such a party, what would you like to hear about?

Another thing I've always done in the past is a Blog Tour. I'm wondering whether or not to do another one.
I do enjoy doing them and I have had an upturn of sales during and after--but it is really a lot of work. And if I do decide to do one, should I give a prize to the person who comments on the most blogs? In the past, I've given the winner the opportunity to be a character in the next book. Should I do that again?

Giving a way a previous book in the series on the GoodReads site seems to be really popular. I'll probably do that too.

What other things have you heard of that would be good promotion for River Spirits?

I'd love to hear from you.



I have decided on the blog tour--and am collecting places to visit now.

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